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Showing posts from September, 2012

Fun at Grandma's

Home {again}

Sunday we officially moved out of our Long Beach house and completely into my parents' house in Chula Vista.  We had a garage sale on Saturday and Sunday and still ended up with what seems like a million boxes of stuff.  My mom was absolutely amazing and served as the business manager of the garage sale, the painter, and cleaner of the house while managing to entertain the kids every now and then!!  She did a spectacular job making my house looking shiny and new.  Meanwhile, I was packing and getting distracted every minute with something new, making me look and feel like a chicken with my head cut off.   It has been so overwhelming, both good and bad.   I started off the weekend great, saying goodbye to our homeschooling group at the park, where my desire to home school was renewed and reassured.  Then we were so blessed with several of our wonderful neighbors coming over to help with the garage sale, clean up, and moving.  As we were finishing up, I found myself walking throug