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Showing posts from January, 2012

A lesson in faith

Today the girls and I were outside playing in the driveway. I was sitting in a beach chair and noticed a caterpillar right next to me. It looked half dead (some of its guts were out already) but I still pointed it out to the girls. They said, "Ya, we already saw it. I think we ran it over". I poked it a few times to see if maybe there was a chance it would still be alive and it was motionless. Nevertheless, we all sat and stared at it for a while and just enjoyed the fact that we had found it (it is always cool to find fun bugs). Suddenly Dolly says, "We should pray for it. If we take it to the doctor, it will take long for it to get better. But if we pray for it, God can heal it right now." I was so amazed at her great faith and really didn't know how to respond. So, honestly doubting that God would heal the caterpillar and not wanting the kids to be disappointed I said, "You are right! God can do it right now. He may not want the caterpillar